You can search our cDNA stocks with the Blast search program. Please get into the search system from ‘DNA stocks’ page. (2006/4/27)
- Category Archives News
Important announcement
Our current fiscal year ends on March 31. In order to make a report on the closing accounts to RIKEN office, the shipment of biological materials will be suspended during last three weeks in March. We…
Arabidopsis cDNA Encyclopedia DNABookTM is now available
We now distribute the novel resource, Arabidopsis cDNA Encyclopedia DNABookTM for the use of academic research. Inside the book, plasmid DNA of 1,069 RAFL clones that correspond to Arabidopsis transcr…
Revision of RIKEN Arabidopsis transposon-tagged line (pst) catalogue
Total 795 of the Arabidopsis transposon-tagged lines are ready for distribution. (2006/2/1)
Revision of RIKEN Arabidopsis activation-tagged line (pss) catalogue
Total three pool sets (1000 lines/pool set) of RIKEN activation-tagged lines established in RIKEN GSC are ready for distribution. Please find detailed information on this website. (2006/1/31)
Revision of RAFL clone catalogue
Additional 89,003 RAFL clones have been deposited from RIKEN GSC and added to our catalogue. Now they are ready for distribution. You can enter the catalogue search page from here. Please note: The cl…
Revision of RIKEN Arabidopsis transposon-tagged line (pst) catalogue
Additional 4,687 lines of Arabidopsis transposon-tagged mutants were deposited from RIKEN GSC and added to our catalogue. Up to now, 3,354 lines have been ready for distribution. Those lines marked `x…
Poplar full-length cDNA clones are open for distribution
Poplar full-length cDNA clones deposited from FFPRI are now available from RIKEN BRC. Information and catalogue of this resource is here. (2005/9/5)
Revision of RIKEN Arabidopsis transposon-tagged line (pst) catalogue
Total 3 pool sets (1000 lines/pool set) of RIKEN activation-tagged lines established in RIKEN GSC are ready for distribution. Please find detailed information on this website. (2005/8/1)
Revision of RIKEN Arabidopsis transposon-tagged line (pst) catalogue
Total 202 of the Arabidopsis transposon-tagged lines are ready for distribution. The list of these lines is on our catalogue page. Please use our resource number (pstxxxxx) when you make your order….