The 18th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research was held at Jiuhua Resort & Convention Center, Beijing, China from June 20 to 23. Approx. 1,500 researchers have joined the meeting, and 7…
- Category Archives News
Homozygous seeds of RATM lines are now available.(2)
274 lines of RIKEN Arabidopsis transposon-tagged mutants are newly added to the list. Feature of the resource is described here. Please email to if you have any question. (2007/3/13…
Revision of RIKEN Arabidopsis activation-tagged line (pss) catalogue
Total 4 pool sets (1000 lines/pool set) of RIKEN activation-tagged lines established in RIKEN GSC are ready for distribution. Please find detailed information for this resource here. (2007/3/2)
List of homozygous RIKEN Arabidopsis transposon-tagged mutants available from March.
267 lines of RIKEN Arabidopsis transposon-tagged mutants are newly added to the list in March. Please read the following information and email to if you have any question. You can c…
Homozygous seeds of follwoing lines will be available within few weeks.
15-2905-1 15-2938-1 15-2973-1 15-3019-1 15-3049-1 15-3163-1 15-3177-1 15-3187-1 15-3209-1 15-3261-1 15-3309-1 15-3319-1 15-3351-1 15-3357-1 15-3393-1 15-3416-1 15-3431-1 15-3511-1 15-3575-1 15-3579-1…
Homozygous seeds of RATM lines are now available.
Homozygous seeds for 926 lines of RIKEN Arabidopsis transposon-tagged mutant (RATM) are now available. Followings are the instruction for “How to find and order homozygous seeds” Please use on-line ca…
Homozygous seeds of RIKEN Arabidopsis transposon-tagged mutants become available soon.
We are arranging our database on homozygous seeds of RIKEN Arabidopsis transposon-tagged mutants to release. We believe that it enables BRC USERS to save time and work. Please read the following in…
Order of RAFL clones that are not found in our catalogue
Total 5,606 clones of RIKEN Arabidopsis Full-Length cDNA (RAFL clone) have been deposited from RIKEN Plant Science Center. RIKEN BRC is going to revise our catalogue to include the data for the clones…
Renewal of Ordering Systema
The system has been revised and reconstructed to allow users to obtain PDF version of MTA forms for major resources. Once the form supplied by this system is concluded, users can order another materia…
Revision of RIKEN Arabidopsis activation-tagged line (pss) catalogue
Total 4 pool sets (1000 lines/pool set) of RIKEN activation-tagged lines established in RIKEN GSC are ready for distribution. Please find detailed information on this website. (2006/7/19)