Homozygous seeds for 926 lines of RIKEN Arabidopsis transposon-tagged mutant (RATM) are now available. Followings are the instruction for “How to find and order homozygous seeds”
- Please use on-line catalogue to find if homozygous seeds are available for the specific line that you are interested. When homozygous seeds are available, you can find open circle (
) at the search result page.
- When you order homozygous seeds, please select the code “psh” in the electrical order system. For example, you should enter psh99999 at the time you want to order homozygous seeds for pst99999.
- We will send 500 homozygous seeds for each line that you ordered. (Ten times more than other seed orders.)
- You can order up to 10 homozygous seeds if you pay single time user fee (8,700 Japanese Yen).
- If you have already paid frequent user fee for 2006 FY, we apply following rule to your order: Each line of homozygous seeds in your order will be counted as 10 lines. For example, if you already made 2 orders, you may receive up to 8 lines of homozygous seeds without additional charge.
- We will enclose 500 seeds of wild-type Nossen as a control in each shipment. However, for detailed characterization, parental lines is suitable.
- PCR analysis has been done for the validation of homozygous seed stocks. If you find any problem during the use of homozygous seeds, please inform us immediately (plant.brc@riken.jp).
- RATM lines correspond to genetically modified organisms. You must obtain all of the permissions required by the laws and regulations of your country before you make your order.
- Detailed information for RATM line is here.
Preparation of homozygous seeds for other RATM lines is in progress. The schedule for preparation will be announced through this HP.