Documents required for distribution

Category I: for use of our bioresource in research for not-for-profit academic purpose by a non-profit organization
Category II: for use of our bioresource in research for the following cases

  1. For research to be conducted by for-profit organizations
  2. For collaborative research between for-profit organization and not-for-profit organization
  3. For research by not-for-profit organization outsourced and sponsored by for-profit organization
  4. For for-profit research by not-for-profit organization including R&D with the aim of patent acquisition

 How to fill in the MTA: Sample PDF
<Arabidopsis natural accessions(non-GMO)>

Document type Category I Category II
MTA (2 copies) PDF PDF
Order form Word


<Arabidopsis mutant/transgenic lines >

  • The documents are used for ordering non-transgenic, transgenic and genome editing lines. You can check through the Exp-Plant Catalog whether the lines are applied for this category.
  • Please contact to fill in terms and condition column*.
    * Item 4 of Standard MTA or Item 5 of MTA for CRISPR/Cas9 resource.
  • Please be sure to read Item 4 in the MTA at your ordering for CRISPR/Cas9 technology resources.
MTA type 1 Category I Category II
Standard PDF PDF
CRISPR/Cas9 Resource PDF
Document type 2 Category I Category II
Order form (Form A) WORD WORD


<Arabidopsis transposon-tagged lines(GMO)>

You can order both individual line and seed pool set using same MTA form (revised version).
The MTA form must be accompanied with appropriate order forms.

Document type Category I Category II
MTA (2 copies) PDF please e-mail
Order form (2 copies) Word Word


<RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA (RAFL) clone(non-GMO)>

Document type Category I Category II
MTA (2 copies) PDF please e-mail
Order form Word Word


<Arabidopsis Transcription Factor (TF) clone(non-GMO)>

Document type Category I Category II
MTA (2 copies) PDF please e-mail
Order form Word please e-mail


<Arabidopsis TAC clones(non-GMO)>

Document type Category I Category II
MTA (2 copies) PDF please e-mail
Order form Word please e-mail



Resource Number MTA Terms and Conditions (Form B) Order Form (Form A)
Not for Profit
pdi00002-00086, 00420 PDF WORD WORD
pdi00087-00149 WORD
pdi00150-00239 WORD
pdi00330-00385 WORD
pdi00386-00418 WORD
pdi20026-20031 PDF
  • pdi00002-pdi00418 Distribution is limited to non-profit purpose.
  • pdi20026-pdi20031 are CAS9 resources.

    <Tobacco BY-2 / Arabidopsis T87 cells(non-GMO)>

    Document type Category I
    MTA (2 copies) PDF
    Order form BY-2 Word
    Order form T87 Word
    • Ordering other resources
      Please contact

    • Regarding Outsourcing
      You are required to make an additonal document when you outsource a part of works using our plant resources for analyzing genes, generating transgenic lines, etc.
      Please contact prior to outsourcing.

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