The available number of pool set for Arabidopsis FOX (Arabidopsis cDNA over-expresser) line is now increased to 18. More information for this resource is here. (2014/04/10)
- Category Archives News
Available number of FOX (Arabidopsis cDNA over-expresser) line seed pool sets is increased. (10)
The available number of pool set for Arabidopsis FOX (Arabidopsis cDNA over-expresser) line is now increased to 17. More information for this resource is here. (2014/02/19)
New release: RIKEN Arabidopsis Transcription Factor (RARTF) ORF clone set
Transcription factors play important roles on the regulation of growth and development. RIKEN BRC has distributed Arabidopsis transcription factor (RARTF) ORF clones in a Gateway entry vector. For you…
Newly released : A set of seed pools from 400 Arabidopsis Natural Accession in the RIKEN BRC stock.
The RIKEN BRC would like to help our users utilize the wealth of natural variation in Arabidopsis. We distribute seed pool set of 400 Arabidopsis natural accessions for your screening. After screening…
Available number of FOX (Arabidopsis cDNA over-expresser) line seed pool sets is increased. (9)
The available number of pool set for Arabidopsis FOX (Arabidopsis cDNA over-expresser) line is now increased to 16. More information for this resource is here. (2013/10/30)
Brachypodium distachyon (experimental plant of monocot) full-length cDNA clones are open for distribution
Brachypodium distachyon (experimental plant of monocot) full-length cDNA clones developed by RIKEN CSRS Biomass Research Platform Team are now available from RIKEN BRC. Information and catalogue of th…
Report of the 24th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR2013)
The ICAR2013 was held at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre from June 24 to 28. Studies on the epigenetic regulation system and translational biology were reported in the conference. Abstract…
Newly released: A set of 100 selected seed lines from 400 Arabidopsis Natural Accession in the RIKEN BRC stock.
The RIKEN BRC would like to help our users utilize the wealth of natural variation in Arabidopsis. We selected 100 Arabidopsis natural accessions and distribute to you per set. The detailed informatio…
Seed pool set of the homozygous lines of RIKEN Arabidopsis transposon-tagged mutants is now available
Homozygous seed stocks of RIKEN Arabidopsis transposon-tagged mutants (RATM lines) have been prepared and distributed from RIKEN BRC. Now we start distributing seed pool set of homozygous RATM lines f…
Revision of MTA forms for Arabidopsis transposon-tagged line, RIKEN GSC Arabidiopsis activation-tagged line, and Arabidopsis full-length cDNA clone
The MTA forms for seeds and lines developed by RIKEN GSC are revised. Restrictions of the usage of these resources are eased. Please use the new forms from your next order. (2013/05/08)