The 28th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR2017) will be held in St. Louis, USA from June 19 to 23. On-line registration will continue until June 5. We will wait for your visit at…
- Category Archives News
Arabidopsis full-length cDNA clones are added to our new database
Since last year, we have been developing a new web database for Arabidopsis resources. Currently, the database includes the RAFL clones (full-length cDNA), Transcription Factor (TF) ORF clones and TAC…
Dr. Masatomo Kobayashi has been selected for Highly Cited Researchers 2016
Dr. Masatomo Kobayashi, Coordinator and Head of Experimental Plant Division, has been selected as one of the Highly Cited Researchers 2016.
New resource: Arabidopsis Transcription Factor clones (TF clones)
We now open a new database for Arabidopsis transcription factor ORF clones. In addition to the RARTF clones from RIKEN PSC, nearly 2,000 TF clones newly deposited from AIST and RIKEN CSRS are added to…
Report of ICAR2016
The ICAR2016 was held in the Gyeongju, Korea from June 29 to July 3. Approximately 1,000 scientists attended the conference, and studies such as developmental regulation and plant-microbe interaction…
User registration form is revised
We will accept user registrations from non-PI scientists on and after May 1, 2016. Registration should be linked to the PI’s main registration. Please fully fill your PI’s information in the form.
To those who order homozygous RATM lines
We will change our policy of providing control Nossen seeds. So far we have supplied the control seeds for free to those ordered homozygous RATM lines. On and after May 1, control Nossen seeds are shi…
Dr. Masatomo Kobayashi has been selected for Highly Cited Researchers 2015
Dr. Masatomo Kobayashi, Coordinator and Head of Experimental Plant Division, has been selected to the list of Highly Cited Researchers 2015 in the Plant & Animal Science field. http://en.brc.rike…
Early bird registration of 27th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research
The Early Bird registration deadline was extended to April 15. You can find further information from the following site.
Distribution of crossed lines (F2 seeds) of natural accessions
The 161 F2 seed stocks established by crossing 100 Arabidopsis natural accessions with Col and Ler are now available from RIKEN BRC. The list of stocks is here.