The number of pool set for Arabidopsis FOX lines are now increased to 4 (equivalent with 4,000 lines). More information for this resource is here. (2009/8/19)
- Category Archives News
Report – 20th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research
The 20th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR) was held at Edinburgh International Conference Center in Scotland, from June 30 to July 4. Approximately 850 researchers attended the c…
Full-length sequence is added to the 1,678 RAFL clones on our catalogue
Resource Number Accession Number Clone Name pda20998 AK318710 RAFL12-01-I05 pdx00022 AK316665 RAFL02-06-B12 pdx00046 AK318621 RAFL02-08-D01 pdx00107 AK316671 RAFL03-06-L04 pdx00192 AK316697 RAFL04-12-…
Full-length sequence is added to the 1,678 RAFL clones on our catalogue
RIKEN BRC has characterized full-length sequences of RAFL clones under the support from NBRP. Since 2006, RAFL clones of possible splicing variant were selected for the analysis, and 1,678 sequences w…
(IMPORTANT) Additional information for RIKEN GSC transposon-tagged line
Transposon-tagged lines were generated by crossing Ds (transposable element) parental line with Ac (transposase) parental line. After the negative screening at F2 generation, the progeny seeds were re…
Announcement of the year-end closing
We are getting into the year-end procedures for the full year to March 31, 2009 in order to submit the year-end statement to the government. RIKEN BRC would appreciate your understanding on the suspen…
Arabidopsis T87 cultured cells launched
Name of cell line: T87 Plant origin: Arabidopsis thaliana,ecotype Columbia Feature of cell: Development of chloroplast takes place under light condition Culture condition: (PDF) Developer: Axelos, M….
International distribution of Arabidopsis T87 cultured cells launched
We start international distribution service of Arabidopsis T87 cultured cells. As we cannot enclose a phytosanitary certificate for living plant cells, the RECIPIENT must be solely responsible for the…
Arabidopsis FOX line seeds are now available from RIKEN BRC
Arabidopsis FOX lines deposited from RIKEN Plant Science Center (PSC) are now available from RIKEN BRC. This resource is provided as a seed pool set for phenotype screening. Currently, only one set is…
Revision of catalogues for Physcomitrella patens and poplar full-length cDNA clones
We have revised the catalogues for Physcomitrella patens and poplar full-length cDNA clones. Numbers of new clones are added to each catalogue. The new clones are also added to the SABRE database. (20…