(IMPORTANT) Additional information for RIKEN GSC transposon-tagged line

Transposon-tagged lines were generated by crossing Ds (transposable element) parental line with Ac (transposase) parental line. After the negative screening at F2 generation, the progeny seeds were regarded as Ac free and deposited to RIKEN BRC. We have distributed F4 seeds which insertion sites were confirmed by PCR analysis.
Recently we found that Ac was remaining in some of the lines which insertion sites were not confirmed. Although the number of Ac remaining lines is estimated to be less than 1% of the total line number, we are now analyzing all of the already shipped lines as well as the lines scheduled to be shipped in near future. At the time we find Ac, we will inform the RECIPIENT of such line immediately, because of the afraid of re-transposition of Ds element during the cultivation of plants.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation very much.

Further information of transposon-tagged line will be available from following manuscript and web site:

  • Smith D., Yanai Y., Liu, Y-G., Ishiguro S., Okada K., Shibata D., Whittier RF. and Fedoroff NV. (1996) Characterization and mapping of Ds-GUS-T-DNA lines for targeted insertional mutagenesis. Plant J. 10: 721-732.
  • http://pfgweb.gsc.riken.jp/pjTrp.html


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