The Experimental Plant Division is pleased to announce the release of two plant cell lines. For inquiries, please contact us at 1. rpc00107: Periwinkle CrB The cells are maintained…
- Category Archives News
New Release: Transgenic BY-2 Cell Lines
We are pleased to announce the release of three plant cell lines. For inquiries, please contact us at 1. rpc00092: Tobacco TBY2-31/ST(E) This transgenic BY-2 cell line expresses es…
ICAR2024 to be held
From July 15 to 19, The 34th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR2024) to be convened in San Diego, USA. We look forward to meeting you at our booth at ICAR 2024.
Release of genome editing vectors for Marchantia
We are pleased to announce the release of a series of genome editing vectors for Marchantia, deposited from Professor Takayuki Kohchi, Kyoto University. This series includes 13 vectors, and detailed i…
Availability of crossed lines (F2 seeds) of natural accessions
The 201 F2 seed stocks established by crossing Arabidopsis natural accessions with Col and Ler are now available from RIKEN BRC. These natural accessions include the group IDs, gr1 and gr2. The list o…
New mutant and transgenic lines added to the Exp-Plant Catalog
Information on eighty-five individual seed lines has been added to the list of individual seed lines in the Exp-Plant Catalog (a total of 524 lines). You can search for a line using the line informati…
New Release: Plant Cell Lines
We have released three callus cell lines established from suspension cell lines. Since the original suspension cell lines are not suitable for overseas transport, we decided to provide the callus cell…
Shipping schedule of plant cell lines due to annual genotyping tests
The Experimental Plant Division conducts genotyping tests once a year for authenticating plant cell lines. We provide plant cell cultures that have passed the genotyping tests within one year. We will…
Change of the culture method of a spinach cell line
We have changed rpc00017 spinach Spi-I-1 from liquid culture to agar culture for efficient maintenance. rpc00017 Spinach Spi-I-1: Exp-Plant Catalog
New Release: Plant Cell Lines
We have released four plant cell lines. Please contact for your inquires. 1. rpc00101: Carrot NC Non-embryogenic cells, cell suspension culture in liquid medium DOI: 10.1104/pp.81.3…