Additional 1,813 RAFL clones have been deposited from RIKEN GSC and added to our catalogue. These clones are accompanied with their full-length sequence and numbered as pdaxxxxx. Please visit our HP i…
- Category Archives News
Revision of RIKEN Arabidopsis transposon-tagged line (pst) catalogue
Total 171 of the Arabidopsis transposon-tagged lines are ready for distribution. The list of these lines is on our catalogue page. Please use our resource number (pstxxxxx) when you make your order….
Revision of RIKEN Arabidopsis transposon-tagged line (pst) catalogue
Total 168 of the Arabidopsis transposon-tagged lines are ready for distribution. The list of the newly available lines is on our catalogue page. Please use our resource number (pstxxxxx) when you make…
Renewal of RAFL clone catalogue
Additional 136,298 RAFL clones have been deposited from RIKEN GSC and added to our catalogue. Now they are ready for distribution. You can enter the catalogue search page from here. Please note: 1. Th…
New resources
According to the retirement of Prof. Goto, SASSC will be closed by the end of March, 2004. Wild-type and mutant Arabidopsis preserved in SASSC have been deposited to RIKEN BRC, and they are now open f…
Important announcement
Our current business year ends on March 31. In order to make a report on the closing accounts to Japanese government, the shipment of biological materials will be suspended during last three weeks in…
New resources
Additional 246 RAFL clones have been deposited from RIKEN GSC, and now they are on our catalogue. (2004/1/14) → Important announcement
Tobacco EST clones are open for distribution
Tobacco EST clones have been deposited from RIKEN Plant Science Center (PSC) for public distribution. Registered users can search our catalogue and make an order with the form on this website. Laborat…
Full-length cDNA clones of Physcomitrella patens are open for distribution
Full-length cDNA clones of Physcomitrella patens have been deposited from National Institute for Basic Biology for public distribution. Detailed explanation of this resource is described in the manus…
Additional RAFL clones are available
Additional 992 RAFL clones have been deposited from RIKEN GSC and now they are on our catalogue. In our e-mail, we announced that additional 1,018 clones are ready for distribution, but actual number…