The available number of pool set for Arabidopsis FOX lines is now increased to 9 (equivalent with 9,000 lines, suitable for phenotype screening). More information for this resource is here. (2011/05/1…
- Category Archives News
Available number of FOX line seed pool sets is increased.(3)
The available number of pool set for Arabidopsis FOX lines is now increased to 8 (equivalent with 8,000 lines, suitable for phenotype screening). More information for this resource is here. (2011/04/1…
Homozygous lines for RIKEN Arabidopsis transposon-tagged mutants are increased. (7)
Line Name 12-4004-1 12-4007-1 12-4017-1 12-4060-1 12-4067-1 12-4082-1 12-4127-1 12-4132-1 12-4145-1 12-4146-1 12-4171-1 12-4201-1 12-4226-1 12-4229-1 12-4263-1 12-4293-1 12-4320-1 12-4334-1 12-4372-1…
Homozygous lines for RIKEN Arabidopsis transposon-tagged mutants are increased. (7)
Homozygous seeds for 313 lines of RIKEN Arabidopsis transposon-tagged mutants are newly available now. You can find the 313 lines here. We use PCR analysis to validate homozygous seed stocks. Transpos…
Thellungiella halophila full-length cDNA clones from RIKEN PSC are open for distribution
Thellungiella halophila full-length cDNA clones developed by RIKEN PSC and Tokyo University of Agriculture are now available from RIKEN BRC. Information and catalogue of this resource are here. (2010/…
Available number of FOX line seed pool sets is increased.(2)
The available number of pool set for Arabidopsis FOX lines is now increased to 6 (equivalent with 6,000 lines, suitable for phenotype screening). More information for this resource is here. (2010/10/0…
Brassica rapa (Chinese cabbage) EST clones are open for distribution
Brassica rapa (Chinese cabbage) EST clones developed by RIKEN BRC and RIBS are now available from RIKEN BRC. Information and catalogue of this resource are here. (2010/8/30)
Homozygous lines for RIKEN Arabidopsis transposon-tagged mutants are increased. (6)
Line Name 11-5586-1 11-5621-1 11-5640-1 11-5683-1 11-5691-1 11-5701-1 11-5704-1 11-5707-1 11-5709-1 11-5711-1 11-5713-1 11-5725-1 11-5774-1 11-5778-1 11-5792-1 11-5804-1 11-5811-1 11-5819-1 11-5835-1…
Homozygous lines for RIKEN Arabidopsis transposon-tagged mutants are increased. (6)
Homozygous seeds for 283 lines of RIKEN Arabidopsis transposon-tagged mutants are newly available now. You can find the 283 lines here. We use PCR analysis to validate homozygous seed stocks. Transpos…
Report of 21st International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR2010)
The ICAR2010 was held at Pacifico Yokohama from June 6 to 10. More than 1,300 attendees joined the conference. The conference focused on “2010 and beyond” that includes the summary of Arab…