New Release: Transgenic BY-2 Cell Lines

We are pleased to announce the release of three plant cell lines.
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1. rpc00092: Tobacco TBY2-31/ST(E)
This transgenic BY-2 cell line expresses estradiol-inducible GFP-AtSYP31 and estradiol-inducible ST-mRFP, which visualize the cis- and trans-Golgi, respectively.
The cells are maintained in a suspension culture in liquid medium.

DOI: 10.1242/jcs.203893
Exp-Plant Catalog

2. rpc00097: Tobacco TBY2-31/41
This transgenic BY-2 cell line expresses GFP-AtSYP31 and mRFP-AtSYP41, which visualize the cis-Golgi and trans-Golgi network, respectively.
The cells are maintained in a suspension culture in liquid medium.

DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcx028
Exp-Plant Catalog

3. rpc00098: Tobacco topless3-GFP
This transgenic BY-2 cell line expresses topless3-GFP.
The cells are maintained in a callus culture on gellan gum medium.

Exp-Plant Catalog

License Agreement
The mRFP gene used in these plant bioresources was provided by Professor Roger Y. Tsien at the University of California San Diego (UCSD).
It is necessary to obtain permission by using UCSD’s MTA.

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